Motion Graphics - Joon Park
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Motion Graphics

August 18, 2017 Snow White d’Avignon

Snow White d’Avignon is inspired by Pablo Picasso's famous painting, "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon". The beauty (or appearance) of the classic animation was deconstructed by the principles of Cubism in order...

August 17, 2017 Snow White d’Avignon II

This is the alternate edition of Snow White d’Avignon, the fairy-tale Snow White, inspired by Pablo Picasso's works. The animation is done to reconsider the stereotype about the linkage between...

August 16, 2017 I am not a cat

This is the video animation about the two cats chasing one another imitating human behavior....

August 16, 2017 Dreaming

This is the video animation about dreaming peaceful world without hunger and pain....