web design Archives - Joon Park
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J&K Forex

Project: J&K Forex financial institution website development.   The website was built for investment of foreign exchange financial market and personal finance.   Role: Website design, UI/UX design, HTML/CSS front end development  ...


Project: Eclairant Beauty product website development.   Eclairant Beauty is a skincare system that helps and improves the wrinkles and fine lines by smoothing and nourishing skin. This website was...

Silly Slippeez

Project: Silly Slippeez slippers website development.   Silly Slippeez are the slippers that Pop to Life when you walk, skip or jump. Silly Slippeez are super comfy and soft...

Perfecter Beauty Brands

Project: Perfecter Beauty Brands products website development.   The website was built to promote online sales and support the TV informercial of the Perfecter Beauty Brands products with...